The Ultimate SwiftUI Layout Course

Master SwiftUI layout techniques with our comprehensive course. Create beautiful, responsive interfaces for your iOS apps.

Tackle SwiftUI Layout Challenges with Ease

Learning SwiftUI can be a challenging endeavor, especially when it comes to mastering layout techniques. Many learners struggle with the following problems:  
  1. Discoverability: Find the right SwiftUI components with real-world examples.
  2. Mastering Layout Components: Understand how to effectively use lists, stacks, grids, alignments, and modifiers.
  3. Building and Practicing: Gain hands-on experience with real-world examples, challenges, and quizzes.
  4. Time-Saving: Access practical SwiftUI recipes to save time searching for solutions.
  5. Modular Learning: Jump into any section to tackle real-world problems with SwiftUI layout components.

The Ultimate SwiftUI Layout Course  is your complete guide to SwiftUI layout components. I’ll demonstrate each component with practical examples and challenges to help you master SwiftUI layout techniques.

 By the course end, you’ll possess a collection of SwiftUI layout recipes, saving you time and effort on future projects. Enhance your SwiftUI skills, build beautiful, responsive iOS app interfaces confidently and efficiently.

Stay Ahead with Up-to-Date SwiftUI Information

SwiftUI is constantly evolving, with new features and changes being introduced regularly. Don’t waste time searching for the latest information – rely on me for up-to-date content.
This course is up to date for iOS 17 and macOS 14!

Learn To Build Real World Apps with SwiftUI

I have personally analyzed hundreds of app screens, studying their variations and identifying the most common design challenges. This extensive research has allowed me to curate a comprehensive collection of examples that I include in the course. By learning from these real-world scenarios, you’ll gain invaluable insights and be able to apply your knowledge to any project you undertake.

How does this course Work?


Understand the SwiftUI layout system and components with detailed explanations and examples.


Develop real-world app examples with the most common and complex layouts.


Engage in a variety of layout challenges and quizzes to test your understanding.


Accumulate a wide range of layout examples and code snippets that you can reuse in your future projects.

What you will learn

  • Effectively Work With Xcode Previews: Add SwiftUI previews and test your views for different screen sizes, dark mode, and dynamic type variants
  • Images and Icons: Enhance your app design with images, system-provided icons, and create your own icons.   
  • Layering Views: How to layer views with ZStack, overlay, and background modifiers. Add colors, gradients and material effects to enhance your app designs.
  •  Positioning Views:  Alignment in Stacks with custom alignment guides and Grid view. Learn how to use position and offset to make animated background graphics.
  • Sizing Views and Layout System: How to combine and layout views with stack views. How the the layout system distribute space to different view and container types.  
  • Reusable views: Using ViewBuilder, closures, and generics to build stack views and grid views.   
  • Custom Layout: How to create custom layout containers with Layout Procol e.g FlowLayout. PreferenceKeys and GeometryReader.
  • Adaptive Layout: Designing views that adapt to different screen sizes, dynamic type variants, landscape vs portrait and more with Size Classes, ViewThatFits etc. Write conditional code in SwiftUI
  • Dynamic Data: Use ForEach, and lazy stacks like LazyVStack and LazyVGrid. Create image gallery views with complex layouts.
  • ScrollView: Learn about scroll direction, stacked scrollview, managing scroll content size and behavior. Add scroll animations and handle programmatic scrolling.
  • System Container Views: How to use Form, List and Table. Add collapsable sections and nested lists. 



 The Ultimate SwiftUI Layout Cookbook - your comprehensive reference guide to mastering SwiftUI layouts.

  • Comprehensive Book
  • Updated for iOS 17
  • All Project Files

SwiftUI Layout Course


Master SwiftUI layout techniques with our comprehensive course. Create beautiful, responsive interfaces for your iOS apps.

  • Comprehensive Video Course
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • Updated for iOS 17
  • All the Project Files



Accelerate Your iOS Development with the Video Course and Cookbook Combo. Master SwiftUI layout techniques.

  • SwiftUI Layout Course
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • Layout Cookbook
  • Updated for iOS 17
  • All the Project Files

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions 

This course is designed and taught by an experienced iOS developer who has built and published apps in the App Store. The course content is practical, relevant, and based on real-world examples, making it a valuable resource for any iOS developer looking to supercharge their SwiftUI skills.

This is not an absolute beginner course. You will need a good knowledge of the Swift programming language and SwiftUI.

By building and practicing with a wide variety of real-world examples, layout challenges, and quizzes, this course allows you to apply your knowledge and gain hands-on experience. You will also learn time-saving techniques and best practices, enabling you to build beautiful and responsive interfaces for your iOS apps more efficiently.

Absolutely! The course is modular, allowing you to jump into any part that interests you the most. Each section is designed to tackle real-world problems, so you can learn the necessary skills to deal with specific SwiftUI layout components.

Absolutely! This course is regularly updated to ensure it includes all the new SwiftUI features and enhancements. I strive to provide you with the most up-to-date content, including any updates introduced in iOS 17. By enrolling in this course, you can be confident that you will learn the latest SwiftUI layout techniques and stay ahead of the curve in iOS app development.

Yes, by the end of this course, you will have one large project that includes a variety of SwiftUI examples covering a wide range of layout problems. This project can serve as a valuable reference when you build your next amazing app, saving you time and allowing you to focus on the success of your app.

Yes, of course. If you are not happy with my course, I will give you a full refund. You have a 30day money-back guarantee.

Have a look what other people are saying

"The instructor clearly has a very deep and complete knowledge of Swift and SwiftUI. And she is an excellent teacher. She is not one of those instructors who just types out the code. She gives detailed explanations about every step. And the course has lots of 'cheat sheets' that she created to summarize the features of SwiftUI. Excellent instruction."

Willian Allen

 "I didn't know where this course was going to go but am very glad I stayed for the adventure of learning something new. Much of the material covered throughout this course will be reused in upcoming products that I am developing. I am looking forward to the next Karin Prater course in my queue covering Core Data.." 

James Greene

 "I have intermediate knowledge of UIKit, but I want to move to SwiftUI. I think Karin does an outstanding job of getting you the needed information for a meaningful foundation in SwiftUI. I like her presentation style and the speed of her talks. I wish I would have viewed this first, before attempting advanced projects/tutorials. I think at the end of the day, SwiftUI is an excellent product, and this tutorial will save you time getting an understanding, even if you already know a thing or two about UIKit. Great job

Jeff McDonald

"Teaching and content of extremely high quality. The wording on the tests is sometimes a little confusing, but that's the only (minor) flaw in an otherwise incredible course. Bonus: in a few lectures, you can see the teacher's cats in the background."

Roy Rodney

"Great & to-the-point content. The instructor is quite friendly, knowledgable and not spending any time with unnecessary or verbose details. Thank you. "

Seth Uzunçavdar 

 "Karin is a very knowledgeable instructor, and a superb course on SwiftUI. I'm a Udemy instructor as well, but I'm also a student who never stops leaning from others who have been coding longer than i, and when I see a course that shines with presentation and valuable info, I'm happy to tell others about it...this is such a course....highly recommended.

Stephan DeStefano

Karin Prater

I have a Ph.D. in physicist, during which I started to love software engineering. Since I am also passionate about learning I started to build my own learning app. 

I am also very enthusiastic about design, which is a bit unusual for most physicists, I am putting a strong focus on the UI part.  In my courses, you will jump right into the subject and learn to design by actually designing.

From my former teaching experiences, I know that learning by trying is the most fun. So I will encourage you to use the tools I am showing you directly in your own projects. May they be small or grant.